Tuesday, November 20, 2012

There is more to this Creativity Crisis then merely sociology or psychology...

Creativity Crisis

Britannica: Based on your study results, how significantly has creativity decreased in U.S. children?
Kim: Creativity decreased over the last 20 years. The results indicate that all of the scores of the Lateral/Innovative thinking factor, Vertical/Adaptive thinking factor, and Creative personality factor have significantly decreased or have significantly started decreasing. The decrease has been more in recent years than earlier years. 

The U.S. has served as a beacon for creative hearts and adventurous spirits from before its inception to the present, calling out to those in search of freedom of expression and freedom of thought, like Albert EinsteinIgor StravinskyMikhail BaryshnikovIeoh Ming Pei, and Alexander Graham Bell. If the United States is no longer an environment that encourages creativity, will it still continue to attract those seeking creative expression? At the same time, while U.S. creativity is suffering, there are mounting and substantial dangers looming: global warming, overpopulation, and terrorism and militancy, for example. Americans may be prepared to lead the world, but are they able? Other countries and other cultures are jealous of what the U.S. has, and some of them have been cultivating creativity by mimicking the way the U.S. used to be, providing environments for creativity to flourish, to their own ends.

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