God alone can teach us to love God. All we can do is prepare
the inflammable substance as best we can and, as the physicists say nowadays,
wait for the chain reaction. All we can do, within the limitations of our
miserable egotism, is listen for and help along that feeble cry which struggles
to say, Father! Abba!
The conversion of the mind is difficult enough, but how much
more so the conversion of the heart! For the love of God is total, embracing
all things, and jealous; it is at once personal and transcendent. It beckons us
to that path which leads to His heart of hearts, for God is love. He is not too
weary after all the miracles, nor all the miseries in which we founder, nor all
the extremities through which our fortunes lead us, to reveal Himself to us as
our one hope of salvation. - Paul Claudel, I Believe in God (appearing in The Magnificat)